Adult social care

Frequently asked questions

1. What's on the website?

2. Why should I register for an online adult social care account?

3. How do I register for the first time?

4. How do I log in?

5. What do I do if I have forgotten my password?

6. How do I save a partially completed form?

7. How do I save a copy of a form as a PDF?

8. How do I print a form?

9. How do I access a previously saved form?

10. How do I access a previously submitted form?

11. How do I attach a document to a form?

12. Can I apply to manage someone's account on behalf of them?

1. What's on the website?

My adult social care account

You can create an account and send forms and referrals to us. When your details have been verified, you can also view documents related to your support. Please note, you will need to register for a social care account to send any forms and referrals to us.

Information and guidance

You can find information on important adult social care areas, such as finances, reporting concerns, and support available to help you and your carers.

Forms and referrals

You can send forms and referrals to us. With some information from you, you can:

  • Request support for yourself, someone you know, or for a carer.
  • Tell us about your equipment and home adaptation needs.
  • Find out how much support could cost for you.

You can also save forms and referrals to come back to later.

Request access to my adult social care account

When you have registered for an account, you can then request access to view parts of your adult social care record and contact people who work with you.

You can also request to manage another person's adult social care account, on their behalf. All requests to manage adult social care accounts will need to be verified by us before access is provided.

2. Why should I register for an online adult social care account?

Registering for an online adult social care account is a simple and secure way to share details with us, giving you several benefits. Once registered, you can:

  • Send forms direct to adult social care.
  • Save and resume any forms that you have started.
  • View important adult social care documents.
  • Receive and send messages to adult social care.
  • Share your support plan with others, such as hospital staff.

3. How do I register for the first time?

To register you'll need to:

  • Enter your first name and surname
  • Enter your email address
  • Create a password (8 characters including an upper-case letter, a number and a special character)

You'll then be emailed a unique verification code which is valid for 60 minutes. If it expires before you complete the form, you'll need to begin the process again. The registration process is only complete once the code is entered and accepted.

The code can take up to 5 minutes to arrive. If it doesn't arrive after this time:

  • check your spam/junk folders (add to your trusted sender list to avoid future emails being sent to these folders).
  • check with your IT / email provider to make sure emails from are not being blocked, delayed or temporarily quarantined. Your IT / email provider may need to update their spam email policies to ensure these emails are delivered into your mailbox without delay.

4. How do I log in?

Click on "My adult social care account" at the top of the page. If you already have an account, provide your email address and password and click the "Submit" button. Enter verification code sent to your email address and then click the "Finish" button.

5. What do I do if I have forgotten my password? ?

If you forget your password, you can request to change it. Click on "My adult social care account" at the top of the page. Click on "Forgotten password?" and follow the steps to reset your online adult social care account password.

6. How do I save a partially completed form?

To save a partially completed form, click on the "Save for later" button. The form will be saved on your account for 28 days. You will receive an email with a link to the saved form.

7. How do I save a copy of a form as a PDF?

To save a read-only copy as a PDF (Portable Document Format), click on the "PDF" button. This will populate a PDF document that you can save and print.

8. How do I print a form?

To print the form, click on Printer button.

9. How do I access a previously saved form?

When you save a form, you will be sent an email with a link to the saved form. Click on the link in the email to continue with your form. You can also click on access a saved form button from the menu, where you will be asked to log into your online adult social care account before you can access saved forms.

10. How do I access a previously submitted form?

You can click on "Submitted forms menu" in the side menu panel after logging into your online adult social care account to view any submitted forms.

11. How do I attach a document to a form?

Some forms allow you to submit other documents. Click on the attach a document link, browse for the document you want to attach, and click OK.

If you have made a mistake and attached wrong document, click on the Remove button.

12. Can I apply to manage someone's account on behalf of them?

No. Currently, you can only apply to manage your own account